Get Lifetime Access to my Marketing Folder

Download my complete folder of emails, events, social media posts, post cards, and newsletters that I use in my 60-touch plan.

PRICE: $2,000
Lifetime access to my marketing folder
Only available June 27th - July 5th

Dear Fellow Real Estate Agent -I've been implementing a system for the last six years that has completely changed my business. Our sales team is producing $100 million in sales volume and I've been able to step out of production and even out of leading the day-to-day activities.Like many of you, when I started my real estate business I was solely focused on prospecting. I was putting in so much work, without much return.In 2012, I did 60 transactions and made a decent income. However, when I account for the fact that I was doing it all alone, and working countless hours, it didn't seem worth it.I was working hard, but not smart.In 2022, we did 350 transactions, profited over $1 million, and I'm putting in 1-2 hours per week. I'm also able to make a considerable difference in my community and have donated $90,000 to Project LampLight, something I'm very passionate about.THAT is worth it.What changed?I dove headfirst into Gary Keller's 36-touch program and added to it.I realized that the key to building a sustainable, profitable, meaningful business was to nurture my database.With this plan, we sold 175 homes from the database alone last year. It is easily our number one lead source. For every dollar we spend on our database, we generate 31 dollars in return. That's the highest ROI of any of our lead sources by far.There are three steps to our 60-touch program to communicate with the database.

  • Step 1: Build

  • Step 2: Feed

  • Step 3: Communicate

We combine multiple platforms to effectively communicate with our database. Our 60 touches include:

  • 12 Direct Mail Pieces (newsletters / postcards)

  • 4 Direct Mail Items of Value (promotional items)

  • 36 Emails (listings, educational videos, all texts w/ CTAs)

  • 4 Client Events

  • 4 Database Calls

Although we all know we should be communicating with our database, I think we've all struggled with exactly what to send.I want to share exactly what we're using for all of those touches.I've created a Google Drive folder where we're uploading all of our actual marketing materials that we're using. Feel free to use them as inspiration for what you should be sending.You'll also get access to my playbook on re-engaging with your database, and we zero-cost everything with sponsors.Our goal is that if you want to put a nurture plan in place, you don't need to reinvent the wheel to do it.You'll get access to every video email we send, every postcard we mail, and details for every event we put on. For life.This isn't just a general idea of the steps you can take to build a successful business, but the real deliverables that has taken our sales team to a million dollar team.

Our Educational Videos

Our Mailers

Event Invitations

And More...

You can use the complete system that I've implemented to help me completely change my business and my life. We'll keep this updated with the newest materials so you can follow along.- Dave Hooke

Price: $2,000
Lifetime access to my marketing folder
Only available June 27th - July 5th

Dave is a proud client of Vyral Marketing

Questions? You can email me directly at [email protected].Rooted Business Consulting | 977 Walnut Bottom Road |
Carlisle, PA 17015 | 717-219-4641